Dynamic Stride Podiatry

Podiatrist in Port Stephens & Newcastle

General & Sports Podiatry

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Evidence Based Footcare & Pain Treatment

Life Starts From The Ground Up!

At Dynamic Stride Podiatry, located in Nelson Bay and Cooks Hill, we provide evidence and clinical based treatment of all lower limb conditions using state of the art equipment and a multidisciplinary view of getting the best results. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team provide a personalised treatment pathway to get you back to pain free activity and lifestyle as fast as possible within real world timeframes.

We cover general footcare with nail cutting, ingrown nails, callous and corn removal. All movement related pain from sports injuries to heel, ankle, foot pain and lower limb concerns. Treatment options are provided to you including orthotic therapy, gait retraining, stretching and exercise programs and non-invasive Radial Pressure Wave therapy (Shockwave) from the top of the line Chattanooga Shockwave machine range. This type of therapy provides outstanding pain reduction and accelerated healing possibilities for most muscular, tendon and tendon attachment issues such as Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Patella Tendonitis and “Shin Splints”.


We know footwear with our Principle Podiatrist Dallas having been involved in athletic footwear retail and testing reviews for over 25 years. We carry a large range of Birkenstock sandals and stock Revere, Telic and FreeWorld footwear and recovery thongs.

Contact us today for a consult with weeknight and Saturday appointments also available outside of weekday opening hours.

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Who We Are

Dynamic Stride Podiatry is a return to activity and fix the cause not just the symptoms clinic. Principle Podiatrist Dallas Langham has been reducing pain and returning people to activity since 2013 and is Port Stephens peninsula’s longest tenured Podiatrist. We practice what we preach by being competitively active and pursuing personal fitness so we can show you quality of movement which equals quality of life.

Dallas Langham – Principal Podiatrist

A graduate of the University of Newcastle, Dallas is passionate about improving and maintaining quality of movement, especially fitness and sporting movement. Dallas has a strong focus on foot and lower limb injuries, functional movement, orthotic prescription, gait retraining and footwear knowledge.


Dallas continues to play competitive basketball and engages in functional movement gym training with a focus on improving movement. Dallas also continues to stay up to date and educated about performance footwear as he has done for over 25 years.

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