Shockwave Therapy

Providing Shockwave Therapy

in Port Stephens & Newcastle

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Fostering Healing with High-Energy Sound Waves

At Dynamic Stride Podiatry, we use the top of the line Chattanooga Radial Pressure Wave (Shockwave) machine which is designed  to target foot and ankle conditions, providing potential relief for patients with chronic pain or injuries. This non-invasive treatment utilises high-energy sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing response, promoting tissue repair and regeneration. 

This type of therapy provides outstanding pain reduction and accelerated healing possibilities for most muscular, tendon and tendon attachment issues such as Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Patella Tendonitis and “Shin Splints”. Each treatment session typically lasts 5-10 minutes. Our Podiatrists will tailor a shockwave therapy program for your specific pain concern. 

Our shockwave treatment is a safe and innovative option for those seeking alternative therapies to traditional treatments. It may allow you to reduce or eliminate discomfort and embrace a faster road to recovery. Call us today on (02) 4981 5155. Our podiatrists treat clients from Port Stephens, Newcastle, Maitland and surrounds. 

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Potential Benefits of Our Shockwave Treatments 

1. Enhanced Healing and Circulation: Shockwave treatments stimulate increased blood flow to the affected area, promoting tissue repair and regeneration. This improved circulation accelerates the body’s natural healing process, aiding in Faster recovery from muscle and tendon concerns.

2. Non-Invasive Pain Relief: Shockwave therapy offers a non-invasive approach to pain management. Patients can experience reduced pain and discomfort without the need for surgery or medication, providing a conservative and effective alternative for addressing lower limb concerns.

3. Faster Return to Normal Activities: By targeting the source of pain and promoting healing, shockwave treatments can enhance mobility and function. Patients often experience improved range of motion and reduced limitations after the first visit, allowing them to return to their normal activities more quickly.

4. Reduced Dependency on Medication: With shockwave therapy, patients may experience decreased reliance on pain medications for symptom relief. This non-pharmacological approach can be especially beneficial for those seeking drug-free alternatives for managing chronic foot and ankle conditions.

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What Shockwave Therapy Can Help Treat

Shockwave treatments can be beneficial for various foot conditions, including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs and chronic tendinopathies. The high-energy sound waves stimulate blood flow, tissue repair, and collagen production, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. 

Patients with chronic pain or injuries in the feet, ankles and lower limb, can benefit from this non-invasive therapy. Shockwave treatments are especially useful when traditional treatments like rest, physical therapy and orthotics have not provided sufficient relief. 

Consulting with our podiatrists in Port Stephens and Newcastle will help determine if shockwave therapy is suitable for addressing your specific foot conditions and achieving optimal results.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How can shockwave treatments promote greater foot mobility?

    Shockwave treatments promote greater foot mobility by stimulating tissue repair and reducing pain. The high-energy sound waves target problematic areas, enhancing blood flow and encouraging natural healing processes. As a result, patients experience improved range of motion, allowing for better foot function and increased mobility.

  • Are podiatry shockwave treatments safe?

    Yes, podiatry shockwave treatments are generally considered safe when performed by qualified professionals. The procedure is non-invasive and does not require anaesthesia. Potential side effects are typically minimal and temporary, making it a safe and effective option for many foot and ankle conditions.

  • Are shockwave treatments considered an alternative to traditional orthotics?

    Shockwave treatments are not considered an alternative to traditional orthotics but can complement their benefits. While orthotics provide ongoing support and correction for biomechanical issues, shockwave therapy targets tissue healing and pain relief. Both treatments can work together to address different aspects of foot and ankle conditions.

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